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Section Host Ministry



That is our desire for everyone here at St Mark. Some people sit in their same seat week after week never engaging with ministry or connecting with people. We want to prevent this. The Section Host Ministry is designed to help do just that. This ministry is an extension of many teams like greeters, ushers, prayer team, and a few others.


Being a part of this team allows you to connect people - plain and simple. You get to be a part of keeping the family feel of St Mark going as we grow by getting to know those you sit with on a weekly basis.

Some specifics include:

  • Welcome everyone as they enter the sanctuary

    • Be aware of first-time guests.

    • Let people know we are glad they are here!

    • Use names (so get to know people).

  • Help people find seats & to their seats

    • Be vigilant of late comers and seats left during service

  • Communicate ministry opportunities

    • Handouts for big church events

    • Mention upcoming classes or announcements

    • Guide guests to the ministry center after service

  • Pray with people

    • Be open and available during ministry moments

  • Encourage 1-2 people during the course of the month

    • Make an intentional point of contact with a couple people you’ve connected with.

      • Send a card, text, email, or make a call

Interested in getting involved?