

Membership Application

If you are a Christian and regular attendee at St. Mark Missionary Church, you are encouraged to become a member. Membership is a deeper level of commitment and allows you to have a voice in important matters of leadership and finances for the church. Take time to fill out Membership Application and Pastor Ryan will connect with you.

Baptism Interest

If you are a committed follower of Jesus Christ, please consider taking the next step of baptism. St. Mark offers the opportunity to be baptized every few months. If you have questions or would like to be baptized, fill out this interest form and Pastor Christian will follow up.

Child Dedication

Our Child/Baby dedication is scheduled several times throughout the year and is held during one or both services on a designated Sunday. The Dedication service is really a "parent dedication”, your opportunity as a parent to express a desire to raise your child to know, love, and obey God.